Deriving a new formula to bring out a permanent solution to psoriasis, a prevalent skin disorder Pathanjali has introduced Agnijith. “Psoriasis”, a skin disorder is not contagious; it results from the faster reproduction of skin cells causing thick red, dry patches over the skin. The dry scales and skin flakes are formed by rapid skin cell reproduction and the areas where the patches are found include scalp, elbows and knees. It was reported that improvement in the condition was seen in the warm climatic conditions or when people were frequently exposed to sunlight. The incidence of psoriasis is same both among males and females and in all races all around the globe.
Though there are many modes of treatment regime, the best treatment that one could seek for any skin disease is from the Pathanajali treatment website, where you will receive the finest herbal remedy based on the severity, area affected as well as the type of skin problem. Agnijith developed and promoted by Pathanajali group under the strict supervision of Dr. Parameswaran Nair is a pure herbal medicine for psoriasis without any side effects. Agnijith contains no harmful chemicals or metals. It is the best skin balm created from a formula handed over by the ancient nomads and is proven to be very effective in treating skin disorders by various modern scientific studies. However, Agnijith will be prescribed by the knowledgeable team of Ayurvedic experts, only after analyzing the seriousness of psoriasis with specific instructions.
Those who seek faster and safer remedy for this disease contact us online now and give the details. Many people who have experienced the healing quality of the medicine recommend Agnijith over any other remedy. Agnijith is a completely natural way of providing the right kind of solution to skin problems including psoriasis.
I have retained my touching sense and hopefully I might be able to get discharged after a couple of months. This man is 'God'. He has given me a second birth. |
Namitha |